Monday, February 11, 2008

Imran @ HKL

This is the main reason we all went to KL...MOHD IMRAN. Schedule for his operation pagi Isnin 11-Feb-2008...Semoga operation goes on well and Imran will be back with us in Penang...Insya Allah. Imran, Alya's favorite uncle...kecik2 jadi uncle...10 years old..kesian...sebab kena buat major operation due to his brain pictures taken on Sunday, before the operation. Mama, ayah kena keja isnin, sebab tu tak bleh tunggu nak tengok Imran. Harapan semua orang Imran will be strong to fight and semua orang berdoa untuk Imran supaya get well soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope Irman get well soon. Oh dear..such a lovely boy..kesiannya..kecik2 dah kena operation.Anak sape nie adik??? Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada Imran.
p/s Alya dah nampak mcm budak besar....ala2 dah ready to be big sista...muaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhs cikit Alya Hana